Porsche Cayenne (955) Front Wheel Bearing Replacement January 17 2017
Our Porsche Cayenne 9PA parts and people hauler started to have a whirring sound coming from the front axle that was speed dependent. It was time to remove and replace the front wheel bearings. We'll show you how we removed and replaced ours.
Red Eye Garage meets Jack's Garage January 30 2014

Tucked away in a quiet neighborhood, you wouldn't notice anything unusual if you drove past, but if you knocked on the right door, you'd uncover one of the most epic garages in Dallas...
Cars and Coffee Dallas - April 2013 May 10 2013
Cars and Coffee Dallas is hosted by Classic BMW of Plano and takes place on the first Saturday of every month. Automotive enthusiasts start rolling in with their cars at sunrise, and everyone roams the parking lot to check out each other’s cars. The parking lot starts to thin out by 9:00 am when people start to clear out. April marked the first month of the year where the weather was nice, and the turnout was strong.