Paintless Dent Repair April 22 2014
I was walking back to the parking lot, when I noticed a huge dent in our E46 M3. There was a section pushed in about the size of a football, and there were a set of hand prints and face prints on the back window, as if someone had been slammed up against the car face first. Some people are jerks, but there's no use in getting worked up about it if you can't do anything about it.
We gave Dent Rescue a call, since one of our Porsche buddies recommended this guy.

The dent was quite large.

We removed the tail light and some of the trunk liner to gain access to the area. Jared first pushed the dent out with his hand. However, there were still some creases and some waviness that remained. He massaged the metal from the inside, using a special rubberized pry bar and from the outside using a rubberized chisel. Small pushes from the pry bar and small taps from the chisel evened everything out.

After Jared was done, it was hard to tell that anything had even happened.

We also had a small dent in the hood that we had Jared fix. This is how it looked before.

Afterwards, I couldn't even find where the dent had been. If you have a few small dents that have good access from the inside, paintless dent repair may be a better option over panel replacement or Bondo. The areas that are difficult are the areas along creases and areas with poor access to the back side.