Cup Cake Meet 19 March 15 2014

It's been 5 years since Cupcake Meet started and we didn't want to miss out at all. While CCM is a great meet that brings in rides from OKC to Corpus Christi, what makes it stand out in our minds is their philanthropic work. Through the years CCM has brought in tens of thousands of dollars to support charities, and this year was no different. Kidd's Kids was the chosen organization and while the numbers have yet to be released, by the turnout of cars, it should hopefully be thousands of dollars. It's really great to be involved with meets like these.

In the morning, we set up shop around the outskirts of the parking lot. There were some cars sparsely scattered around the parking lot, but that was about to change.

Rides started rolling in and pretty soon, the lot was packed with cars and people. Throughout the day we would hear engines bouncing off the limiter and tires being tormented.

On the other side of the lot they had set up a drift course and attendees were given the opportunity to get up close and personal with some smoke machines.

The expressions on some people were priceless and it's hard not to understand how drifting is so popular these days. Racing today is so surgically precise and largely devoid of drama, but drifting is a spectacle from beginning to end.

All the rides weren't drift machines and tracks toys though. There were plenty of show cars around and this Z33 was a stunner sitting on concave Rotiforms. Not just all show though, this particular example was equipped with a little something extra.

It's the sound of inefficiency, but I've always loved the whine of a supercharger.

There were plenty of mid-engined machines at CCM this year. Along with all the JDM wide body goodies and all, that green NSX built by Kaotic Customs has a stage 3 Love Fab turbo kit, boosting it to 550+ horsepower. For those that are willing to part with a few organs, the car is currently on sale.

This pair of MR2s were super clean and that AW11 build was looking beefy. Really evocative of the 222D rally car.

The inside of the MKII, it was sporting an equally clean V6 swap. It's as if Toyota built them from the factory like this.

On the other side of the spectrum, was this mean LSX swapped S13.

If you're a Ford guy, they had plenty at CCM as well. This modern day pro-touring styled 'Stang was looking brutal, sitting on 275s all around.

One of the great things about CCM is the sheer variety of vehicles that show up. Our friend Seth rolled up in his classic 'Stang and droves of people flocked to it. She's a stunner for sure, and we may have a feature on his car in the future.

Smokey and the Bandit anyone? It's hard not to stand out with a ride that's this clean, but parked up next to a flock of imports, this Trans Am stood out like it had lasers and neon lights shooting out from it.

The owner was just a cool as the car and took time to talk about her machine. I learned that Cupcake Meet is really a family affair, as the owner of the car happens to be the mom of one of the CCM founders. Petrol runs through their blood.

It was an overcast day, and this paint was still breaking necks. Absolutely breathtaking.

If you were thinking this was just a Cayenne with aftermarket wheels...'d be dead wrong. How do you say "redneck" in German?

We met Jacob from Civic EE & EF of Texas and his build was coming along nicely. Can't wait to see what kind of power she puts down once Alamo Autosports gets done with it.

I really wanted to "borrow" these rims. Actually, I wanted to borrow the whole car and throw it around on some dirt roads.

Growing up, our dad used to tell us about the adventures he had driving around the country in his 510, and as a result, I have a huge soft spot for them. This build is especially nice though. Everything from the flared out fenders, flowing into the chin spoiler, to the PIAA rally lights are so well put together.

For some, these meets are a family experience.

I ran across this group of S30s and it was great to hear their stories. The middle was brought in by a father and daughter.

Katie, the owner said she was still working on it, but it's coming along quite nicely and I could see that her father was just beaming with pride.

Yet, another S30! Unfortunately running the booth took up a good amount of time, so we didn't get to see everything but I had to run over when I saw this pairing rolling through.

Did we mention there were some 86s at the meet?

Quite a few of them.

And some sporting some very nice pieces. It's really amazing to see their popularity taking off in the past few years and to see all the aftermarket support. I hope more companies take note of the success, the world could use another well designed FR platform.

From the Rays Nismo LMGT2s shod with Mickey Thompsons, to the blown motor (and the Cyndaquil) everything was top notch on this Kouki. I wouldn't expect anything less than that from Tay's Automotive though. They're shooting for 1000hp and we wish them the best.

I didn't expect to see this many drag cars, especially considering the rain and TX2K, but I'm glad they came out. This Mustang had a very, very, large snail hooked up to the engine and it sounded fantastic.
Even though the cold weather was a bit of a bummer, it didn't dampen our spirits a bit. Thanks to the coordinators of Cupcake Meet for putting on another great meet.
For more photos of the event, and to see our daily shenanigans follow us on Instagram @RedEyeGarage and like us on Facebook
Also, check out our store if you didn't get a chance to stop by!
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